I got so excited by the planning of the High Tea that i completely forgot to mention that i have arrived safe and sound in Brisbane!
Mr Spomes flew down to Melbourne on the Friday night, on Saturday we packed my car to the brim and then RIDICULOUSLY early on Sunday morning we set off on a two day adventure filled with..... well, nothing exciting but driving for twelve hours a day, BAD coffee, roadkill and cows.
This was the first leg of our trip, it had just started to get light when we hit 300 and we were still feeling pretty good. The coffee was still perking us up, our backs were fine, our legs loose and limber. (Also, my belly full of the first Macca's breakfast i have had in years. Heeeh)
I love clouds. So pretty. Hours and hours of clouds.
Where we started.
At the border of Melbourne and NSW.
Mr S and I looking pretty cool, feeling pretty cool.
Several hours later, several coffees later, no matter how much you stretch or stop for a break EVERYTHING aches.
But the views are still pretty.
We stopped at Coonabarabran at 7pm Sunday night and found a cheap motel to crash at. I'm entertained by the idea of hotels and motels and delighted with all the (crappy) toiletries and lovingly folded towels. (I left one of my bags there containing my new dress, various nice tights and tops and my favorite belt in the motel rooms bathroom like and idiot. Lucky the people are wonderful and they post)
Spomes, modelling his delightful bedspread.
We then ordered a gourmet meal of coke, pizza and garlic bread from Eagles Boys, showered, watched a crap crime show on TV and were asleep by ten. Exciting? YES. Up again at the crack of dawn on Monday and we were on our final leg of the journey.
There were miles and miles of these pretty fields filled with sunflowers.
If i wasn't so tired, smelly and a little cranky at being confined to a car for several hours i would have stopped to admire them more.
By 3pm Monday we had hit Brisbane. Unfortunately we also hit peak traffic, so after kilometres of open roads and NO traffic lights we were bumper to bumper for another hour.
It sucked hard.
But i made it and although a little sad and missing some of my Melbournians an incredible amount, I'm still happy I'm here. I also forgot to take a photo of the final odometer but it read over 1700. WOAH.
Mr Spomes flew down to Melbourne on the Friday night, on Saturday we packed my car to the brim and then RIDICULOUSLY early on Sunday morning we set off on a two day adventure filled with..... well, nothing exciting but driving for twelve hours a day, BAD coffee, roadkill and cows.
This was the first leg of our trip, it had just started to get light when we hit 300 and we were still feeling pretty good. The coffee was still perking us up, our backs were fine, our legs loose and limber. (Also, my belly full of the first Macca's breakfast i have had in years. Heeeh)
I love clouds. So pretty. Hours and hours of clouds.
Where we started.
At the border of Melbourne and NSW.
Mr S and I looking pretty cool, feeling pretty cool.
Several hours later, several coffees later, no matter how much you stretch or stop for a break EVERYTHING aches.
But the views are still pretty.
We stopped at Coonabarabran at 7pm Sunday night and found a cheap motel to crash at. I'm entertained by the idea of hotels and motels and delighted with all the (crappy) toiletries and lovingly folded towels. (I left one of my bags there containing my new dress, various nice tights and tops and my favorite belt in the motel rooms bathroom like and idiot. Lucky the people are wonderful and they post)
Spomes, modelling his delightful bedspread.
We then ordered a gourmet meal of coke, pizza and garlic bread from Eagles Boys, showered, watched a crap crime show on TV and were asleep by ten. Exciting? YES. Up again at the crack of dawn on Monday and we were on our final leg of the journey.
There were miles and miles of these pretty fields filled with sunflowers.
If i wasn't so tired, smelly and a little cranky at being confined to a car for several hours i would have stopped to admire them more.
By 3pm Monday we had hit Brisbane. Unfortunately we also hit peak traffic, so after kilometres of open roads and NO traffic lights we were bumper to bumper for another hour.
It sucked hard.
But i made it and although a little sad and missing some of my Melbournians an incredible amount, I'm still happy I'm here. I also forgot to take a photo of the final odometer but it read over 1700. WOAH.
The scenery photos are so pretty. And yes, you guys look incredibly cool.