
Tea. Sleeping Kittens. The Smell of Old Books. Expensive Cheese. Painted Toenails. Lounging Around. Coffee Beans. Weddings. Poached Eggs. Napping. Candles. Secrets. Photographs. Harry Potter. Sex. Hand Holding. Fabulous Hair. Ribbons. Dinosaurs. Rage comics. Air Guitar. Montages. Swooning. Red Grapes. Sleeping. Paper Bags. Stockings. Canvas. Daydreaming. Piles of Book's. Cheap Dvd's. Cheeky Emails. Hand-made anythings. Whispering. Red Hair. Roller Derby. Jam. Laughing. Raspberry Lollies. Hugs. Letter's. Family. Batman. Flowers. Avocado. Art. Text's. Love.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day four.

I feel so so bad for little Minnie during these days. Being all beautiful and black she really suffers in the heat.
Look at this floppy kitten.

Day four of detox was a bit of a none day really. We went shopping last night and stocked up on things I can eat so I haven't felt any pangs or cravings at all. The headache remains and hits with a vengeance after 3pm, it's usually when I have a chocolate fix to get me through the afternoon.
Now I nom on some pineapple or other sweet fruit. I'm hoping it will go away soon, i'm also worried that when i introduce small pieces of sweets or chocolate back into my diet I'll get another headache.

B/fast - Lot's of fruit +750ml water
M/tea - Brown rice crackers. Carrot and Celery sticks.
Lunch - Two brow wraps with chicken breast, avocado and lettuce. Cherry tomatoes and blueberries. +750mls water
A/tea - Pineapple and a peppermint tea.
Dinner - Two fried eggs on wheat/gluten/dairy free bread, red capsicum and a mango.


  1. Tell me about the detox. What do you hope to get out of it? Is it really uncomfortable.

    1. It's tough!
      I love food. I love steak, bacon, fresh bread, butter, cheese and glorious chocolate. But i love it in excess. I was beginning to feel bloated, full, fat and I was having trouble sleeping, having headaches and generally feeling in poor health. I had also stopped going to the gym. I started reading up on 'diets' and all those scary things that people do to make themselves 'healthy'. Seriously, one of them was only drinking soda water, maple syrup and cayenne powder for a week... Ridiculous.

      So I decided to cut everything that should only really be consumed sometimes from my diet for a full two weeks in the hope that I would feel better. When the two weeks is over I'm going to slowly introduce some of the things back into my diet and hope that I've learnt my lesson and stopped being such a glutton. This is day 7 today and honestly i feel great. I've been sleeping like a baby, i have more energy and don't feel so full after each meal, but it is tough, super tough. I've had a week-long headache and I'm super emotional.

      I hope to get rid of some of those emotions by going back to the gym next week, I'll sweat them out!
