
Tea. Sleeping Kittens. The Smell of Old Books. Expensive Cheese. Painted Toenails. Lounging Around. Coffee Beans. Weddings. Poached Eggs. Napping. Candles. Secrets. Photographs. Harry Potter. Sex. Hand Holding. Fabulous Hair. Ribbons. Dinosaurs. Rage comics. Air Guitar. Montages. Swooning. Red Grapes. Sleeping. Paper Bags. Stockings. Canvas. Daydreaming. Piles of Book's. Cheap Dvd's. Cheeky Emails. Hand-made anythings. Whispering. Red Hair. Roller Derby. Jam. Laughing. Raspberry Lollies. Hugs. Letter's. Family. Batman. Flowers. Avocado. Art. Text's. Love.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

fifteen favourite photos

1. You.
(Well, me actually. The night of our housewarming. It was Mad Men themed)

2. Breakfast.
(One of the greatest breakfast's I've ever had. Courtesy of Diana and Brendan)

3. Something you adore.
(My babies, Minette and Louie)

4. Something you miss.
(Max, my man)

5. Something you wear.
(I've had this dress for years. We've been through some shit)

6. Something that makes you smile.
(My Strange. <3)

7. Favourite.
(My Mum. She is my everything)

8. Friends.
(One of my favourite photos of a couple of the best people around)

9. Holiday.
(I adore Christmas. I adore Christmas food)

10. Dancing.
(I love to dance)

11. Childhood.
(My brother, Stephen and I on our annual family holiday with our Grandparents to Blackpool pleasure beach in England)

12. Where you sleep.
(Usually covered in these two)

13. Close up.
(Byron Bay)

14. Something you are reading.
(The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)

15. Happiness.
(The best photo of Scott and I ever taken. At our friends Amy and Nick's beautiful wedding, the photographer captured this moment surrounded by our friends)


  1. What a terrific post. Congratulations on getting through your clense. It's extra hard to deprive yourself when you need the comfort food.

    1. Why Thank you kind sir, I'm a massive comfort eater, i love the warm cuddle of a gob full of chocolate so it was a huge thing for me to go without. I think my self control has strengthened a whole heap so here's to applying it for the rest of the year!!
