
Tea. Sleeping Kittens. The Smell of Old Books. Expensive Cheese. Painted Toenails. Lounging Around. Coffee Beans. Weddings. Poached Eggs. Napping. Candles. Secrets. Photographs. Harry Potter. Sex. Hand Holding. Fabulous Hair. Ribbons. Dinosaurs. Rage comics. Air Guitar. Montages. Swooning. Red Grapes. Sleeping. Paper Bags. Stockings. Canvas. Daydreaming. Piles of Book's. Cheap Dvd's. Cheeky Emails. Hand-made anythings. Whispering. Red Hair. Roller Derby. Jam. Laughing. Raspberry Lollies. Hugs. Letter's. Family. Batman. Flowers. Avocado. Art. Text's. Love.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Two.

I really jumped straight into this detox without much planning or preparation. Typical me-style.

Yesterday I basically grabbed everything that I could in the fridge that I was able to eat then proceeded to devour it all by 1pm. I realised I really needed to plan something more substantial to eat during the day or I may cheat, pass out and die. (Or fail miserably at this detox)

A quick trip to Woolies saw me stock up on brown pasta, fish, brown rice crackers, grapes and strawberries for when I needed that sweet hit. Day two was much more of a success, I felt full after lunch and never really had a sugar craving, well, except now so I'm writing this post.

Oh! I can't forget the headaches! A dull, throbbing ache that sits on my head all day secretly taunting me. I've been told that it will go after the third day but I'm assuming with the ridiculous amount of sugar I consume it could be up to five or six days. Also, due to the amount of water I've been drinking I pee ALL THE TIME. It goes straight through me. Enough of that whinging, here is what I've been eating.

Day one... Fail day.

B/fast - 1 banana, 1 nectarine and 2 people of pineapple. + 750mls of water.
M/tea - 1 boiled egg, 4 carrot sticks, four cherry tomatoes and a quarter of red capsicum. + 750mls of water and one cup of peppermint tea.
Lunch - 500gm of chicken breast, more cherry tomatoes, carrots and carrot. three pieces of pineapple. + 750ml of water.
A/tea - More damn pineapple and a cup of peppermint tea.
Dinner - Chicken broth. + a handful of grapes. More water.

Day two

B/fast - 1 boiled egg. 1 banana. handful of grapes. + 750mls of water
M/tea - 2 Strawberries. 6 small brown rice crackers with avocado and cracked pepper. +750mls water.
Lunch - Quarter of a cup of brown pasta mixed with soy sauce, garlic, sweet corn, beans and peas. 1 boiled egg. 1 carrot. 10 strawberries. + 750ml of water.
A/tea - Peppermint tea.
Dinner - Two pieces of steamed white fish. 1 banana. 1 nectarine. 1 carrot.

Tomorrow is a whole new day!

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