Two weeks with no dairy, red meat, sugar or white bread/pasta products.
I feel great!
I'm also very, very proud of myself. I've never, ever stuck with anything like this before and i did it! I'm sleeping better, i have more energy, and better skin, it's basically been the perfect way to kick start Laura 2012.
Today a bunch of us helped our friends, Diana and Brendan move house. It was hot, sticky and a generally awful day to try and move. It also kept sporadically pissing it down too, just to make things fun. Luckily, five cars and a big truck were involved so we squashed everything in and managed to do it in one go, as a thank you, they bought us all pizza capers. I was super excited because i could finally have pizza and it was glorious. I had 4 slices of Lambada.
It's lamb, capsicum, olives, feta, tzatziki and sprouts. 4 things i have been cutting out for the fortnight. Naturally it was the most amazing thing in the world going in but half an hour later i felt like death. It felt like needles were stabbing me in the stomach. It's probably a god thing though because if i had felt fine, i would of done this.....
So I'm sticking with the basic eating plan I've set up for myself, same amount of fruit and veg, sticking with the whole grains and the brown pasta, SLOWLY introducing a bit of yoghurt and cheese back into my diet (seriously slowly, because i could easily run away with a wheel of brie) and only good quality lean red meat.
Oh, and a teeny weeny bit of chocolate too.
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